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Display devices I

Producing vibrant colors has been a driving force for the development of optics, reaching as far back as the multi-colored tableaux found in the windows of medieval churches, or the distinct color-changing appearance of the Lycurgus cup from ancient Roman times. Structural coloration, where micro- and nanostructured materials are used to control the reflection and transmission of visible light at precisely tailored wavelengths, has been a cornerstone of these efforts, taking inspiration from the brilliant hues produced by, e.g., butterfly wings and macaw feathers prevalent in nature. Compared to pigment- or dye-based approaches, structural coloration generally provides brigher colors with higher color gamut, improved spatial resolution, and resistance to color fading over time. A multitude of photonic concepts and systems have been implemented for this purpose, ranging from display application, thin film interference, diffraction gratings and photonic crystals to plasmonic and dielectric metasurfaces.

Display devices II

Fogging on transparent surfaces such as TCO substrates occurs due to the condensation of water vapor from warm and humid air onto cool surfaces, leading to the formation of micron scale water droplets on the surface. Such water droplets on the surface of display, solar cells would induce light scattering and significantly reduce the amount of photon that could reach the light absorbing components of the devices. Fogging especially can pose a serious problem in humid areas, especially during morning hours after a long night of solar cell inactivity.

Anti-Reflection coatings are deposited onto optical surfaces to reduce specular reflectivity. Anti-Reflection coatings are comprised of a single layer or multiple layers. These designs are optimized to create destructive interference with respect to the reflected light. This design approach will allow the maximum amount of light transmission without compromising image quality in the display application.

Department of Integrated Display Engineering, Yonsei University, 50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 03722, Republic of Korea









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